Monday, September 27

a quality time to remember. :)

this one is a HOT, GREAT && COOOL DAY for me.
i slept yesterday at 1am. i was expecting that the plan (bisita with lola [mother of my dad])with mom is cancelled for a reason that she didn't even remind me to sleep early -.- damn it. soo, she woke me up around 8 in the morning, HAHA! i got up at 8.30 waw. watta wake up call!! haha. a wake up call with her LOUD freaking voice! :)) anyways, we went to mataphao (new washington) where my grandma lives i thought mum && ii are the only one will go there but, tita join us. at 9.30 the car lost the coool thang in it so, we stopped by to some place called "aircon repair" (something like that) then, it's no use the car's cool thing is really not working well. tita suggested that bring tito and we'll use his car luckily, tito agreed. :D yay! when we arrived there, at 11.38 am. it's really fucking hot! i didn't want to walk in that thin road thang, but mom insisted me to. what a sick thing to do walk in the HOT NOON DAY. arrghh. yada yada .. i got home around 1pm. i texted ate vaneza that if we can meet at 2pm soo, i could have some rest thank god she agreed! =D && i wok up at 2pm or so and ii texted hazel if what she'll be doing that afternoon. blah. blah. we meet at royal supermarket [the first, & still the best] hahaha! && ii texted ate miiee miiee if she is free that time so, she could give me the ticket.  :D

NICE seeing you sis, MIIEE MIIEE :) hoping for a greaat time gala with ya. :D
NENG, what a perfume sniffing thinggy. haha. =D love walking in the rain with ya. :)
ATE VAN: hahaha! whaat a STOOOORY! <3 this is sooo COOL. keep me updated with it. ;)
MOM: what a cool morning !! haha. :P daleh.
TITO: grabe, kinaon sa fiesta aa. hahaha. bungga. :DD kinaun lta gd nainubra natun. haha. ua tang kra ganiwang. :|
TITA: thaanks sa time, && for that lunch. :DD