Monday, September 27

spark's gone. :((

the morning breeze is so calm & quiet. we have plans today! and i'm so happy to see them all. time check: it's 900 but, we are supposed to meet up at 800 haha! [filipino time habits nga naman] i waited aaron for 30mins + as usual, he is late. haha.and hazel is already there. when we arrived at ASU-BANGA everybody looked at me. o.O i felt conscious right away! any who, i still walked short [my height] && proud. my mind goes like: [why the fuck are y'll looking at me like that?i'm still a human being. haha!] then, i saw grandeza, and meliza. those biig huugs of grandeza was soo O-tight. i love it. okay, i was carried away with the hug! i almost punch meliza because of my hyper mood, luckily i just pinch her bubbly loong face. HAHA! :P they practiced their P.E thing after we said hello's && chat for a couple of minutes. francis & i were left in that spot. so, we talk. yada yada ... after their practice we stroll around the campus. i saw ate ruth. :) and we have the longest chitchat ever! =D and we went back to the spot where hazel is seated, i saw my cuzin jozie there. she gave me a hug. aww. :"> i miss her hugs too. anyways, back to the topic "there will be the "thing" that i'm expecting in a couple of months or so  && i'm so excited. but, it happened today in unintentionally bad way. bummer." we saw each other again finally. as he arrived to the spot where will be meeting up, i observed him. he lost some weight and that's a good thing. he got unlucky for the skin color tho last time i check, he is not a nearly burned pig. -.- i'm REALLY REALLY happy to see him again :'). after those 6 months or so longing for him. and the "thing" just happened. while we are talking, the "thing" that i'm waiting for so loong is gone. i'm so bumped out. i dunno what to do after that. it sucks. its been so long that i wanted to see him and give my biggest hug! [unfortunately, i didn't hug him.] then i thot, who am i to give him a hug?right? :( 

URGENT! :)) MAYDAY! MAYDAY! tskk. -.-
i need some fucking HEEELPP!! >:(
eeep! :|

hazel said i'm nearly obsessed with him. damn it. [well, not yet, i can still control my emotions. yah know]
valerie's side, it's like "ilangan thinggy" haays. -_- [awkward moment to the max!]
and mom doesn't know about it. [sa pagkkalam ko, hindi niya talaga alam.]

[ ] --> talking to myself or narrating what i said or trying to explain shit.
" " --> the main part that i want to emphasize.

i wish he was looking at the camera too. :(