Saturday, February 12

First Love. :)

Just finished watching Crazy Little Thing Called Love/First Love (สิ่งเล็กเล็ก ที่เรียกว่า..รัก). It is a Thai movie about a high school freshman girl named Nam who fell in love with Shone, a very good looking guy her senior who is into photography and the star of the football team.

Nam did everything to win the heart of Shone. Because of her love for him, she managed her self esteem and improved in academics. And just like the cliche goes, this ugly duckling turned into a swan.

But what she didn’t know was that, Shone likes her all along. But he didn’t have enough courage to tell her because Top, his best friend asked her to be his girl friend. Then after a while, Nam asked Top to stop seeing her because she likes someone else. And on Valentines day, before she is set to leave for the US to study and be with her dad, she decided to admit her feelings for Shone only to find out that he got a girl friend.

After 9 years, in a live TV show they meet each other and Nom asked Shone if he was married and he answered that he is waiting for her to come back.

It’s so wonderful! Makes me wanna go back to High School and reminisce the feeling of Teenage/Puppy Love. Despite the movie being simple, I think the viewers will get touched. It had the great combination of laughter and tears. I had a good laugh on the first half of the film but as it progressed, especially on the 7th part, I shed tears because the scenes were really heartbreaking.

I think they lived up to what the movie claims that it’s everyone’s story. Because at one point in your life, there will be that special someone who will inspire you to become a better person. :)