Friday, February 18

Is there a part II?

I can’t get over Mario Maurer, and the movie, A Little Thing Called Love. It’s a really good story. Most of us (High school students) will really relate to it. It inspired me. Inspired me to be better, and do better for that someone. But I don’t think I’ll have a happy ending, though. Even so, maybe someone else is there, but I can’t see him because I’m watching someone. Well, yeah, starting from now, I’ll do better. Use what the call “love” as an inspiration, not the other way around. :”>

I think the movie is conservative. HAHA. Because there are no kissing scenes. Just one part where Shone (Maurer) accidentally held Nam’s (the leading lady) hand because she was about to fall. I also think it’s very sweet. Because the guy did not confess his love for the girl because his best friend likes her, too. There’s that rule, right? Never date your best friend’s ex. So, yeah. and Nam’s friends are also supportive of her. It’s all cute. Like Mario.