Sunday, February 13

I just can't get enough. :">

The other night I watched ‘A Little Thing Called Love’ with Clacla’s recommendation and I was joyed. It’s really a pain that I had already watched the ending before I watched the first seven parts. But, surprisingly, it didn’t lessen the happiness I felt as I watched the whole film again.

It’s weird, how the story transcends language, itself. It always amuses me, anyhow. I mean, movies like this which speak of a univesal story - which anybody can relate to, despite it being set in a different country or spoken in a different tongue, they always amuse me. The same goes for books and music, perhaps. Whatever it may be, people would still find ways to make us understand what they want to say. And we’d still find things in common, making us a little more familiar with things about other people.

And somehow, we’d feel less alone.